Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

Tugas 1 #Bahasa Inggris

differences in word english Britain and english america

Inggris. Amerika. Indonesia.

honour. honor. Kehormatan.

humour. humor. Kelucuan.

labour. labor. Kerja.

neighbour. neighbor. Tetangga.

odour. odor. Bau tidak sedap.

parlour. parlor. Salon.

rancour. rancor. Benci.

rigour. rigor. Kekakuan.

rumour. rumor. Kabar angin/Gosip.

saviour. savior. Juru Selamat.

Tulisan 1 #Bahasa Inggris

My personal autobiography

My name is faisal ahmad, I was born in Jakarta on the 10th of november 1991.
now at this moment I have 20 years of age. I am a student at one university Gunadarma. I am Moslem and I am sure the sex of a man. I live with my parents which is located onhighway number 45 mill. my child to 2 of 4 siblings. My father's name is Zainuddin whilemy mother named Mrs. Maryani. My father was self-employed work, while my mother wasa housewife. now my status is still not married. My favorite food is steak and pizza. Myhobby is playing computer games, playstation, movies, and playing futsal.